The infinite Life Sutra is at the heart of the Pure Land teachings of Mahayana Buddhism. In this sutra, we learn of how Amitabha Buddha, while still a humble monk named Dharmakara, selflessly cultivated for billions of years on our behalf.
Guided by the current Buddha of his time, Dharmakara visited infinite buddha-lands and observed both their advantages and disadvantages. He then formulated forty-right vows. His goal? The creation of an ideal land for cultivation and practice. Who for? For us unawakened beings, still mired in suffering.
With Amitabha Buddha's forty-eight great vows now fulfilled, and the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss created, he awaits our arrival. Emulating his dedication and perseverance, and with our belief, vow to be born there, and buddha-name chanting, we will be born in that land. Finally, we will achieve what we have sought for so long—a perfect land where we can constantly and more quickly progress on our path to attaining perfect enlightenment
And the ability to truly help all beings